Hidden in cold shadows, pink buds that lie stifled by matted moss
will lie in silence evermore, if only awaiting a mere glimpse of illumination

17 December 2012


*Work diligently to improve the environment and the world around me

*Volunteer my time regularly to a cause or organization that benefits humanity in some way

*Complete my BA degree

*Take a chance every day

*Always write music

*Give what I can and what I don't need

*Be honest in everything I do and say

*Perform and share my art

*Live within my means

*Learn French among other languages

*Provide my dog with a happy, healthy life

*Love wholly and unconditionally

*Do not judge.

*Catch and work past selfish tendencies

*Apply to volunteer with the PeaceCorps

*Travel and explore the world

*Count my blessings, especially the small ones

*Always remain in contact with my family

*Manage my time responsibly

*Stay in control of my attitude, knowing that I cannot control others, but may affect them through my energy

*Make sure the people I love know beyond any shadow of doubt that I love them

*Don't get jealous, but be happy for the fortune and success of others

*Learn constantly as a student of life and all people

*Always have an open mind